This award is dedicated to the memory of Alex Donaldson a Local 280 member committed to apprenticeships and training who passed away in 1980. It has been given to the apprentice who earns The Top Apprentice each year. Going as far back as the 1960‘s the Top apprentice has been awarded to the apprentice that represents the Local 280 and SMACNA-BC at the Canadian Council’s Sheet Metal Apprentice Competition held annually around the country. The pathway to get to be the Top Apprentice has changed many times over the decades. Currently the individual winning the Level 4 competition at the SMWTC Annual Apprentice Contest has priority to go to the Canadian Contest. Sometimes that winner is unable to attend and another goes instead. In 2017 Matt Hamm of Fraser Valley Refrigeration and the winner of last year’s SMWTC Level 4 competed in Ottawa over the July 1st weekend that coincided with the 150th Canada Day celebration. This earned him the 2017 Alex Donaldson award which was presented at SMACNA Christmas Party last November. Congratulations Matt and thanks for representing the Training Centre at the many contests you competed in over the last 4 years.