The Canadian Council of Sheet Metal Workers and Roofers sponsored the 48th Annual Sheet Metal Apprentice Contest in conjunction with their Annual Convention.  This year’s contest attracted some of the top 4th year Sheet Metal Apprentices from across Canada who competed in the 2-day event held in Saint John, New Brunswick. 

Representing SMART Local Union 280 and SMACNA BC was Colin Nam of Apollo Sheet Metal. Colin was our Level 4 winner of the annual SMWTC Apprentice Contest hosted in November 2023, and was presented with the Franco Pederzini award.

This year’s project was a challenging copper and brass project, with the venue allowing members of the public to peruse the skills of our future generation of sheet metal worker and learn about the trades. The Canadian Council hosted a banquet to honour all the apprentices who competed and to recognize those who stood above the rest with awards and cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place.

Colin placed 4th in the competition and was honoured with the prestigious Bob Brown Award! Bob Brown retired as the Director of Canadian Affairs for SMART in 2012 and passed away in 2016 shortly after receiving his 50-year service pin from the International. His passion was always that young people serving an apprenticeship be treated with respect and earn a fair wage as they progressed.

Thank you for representing our SMART Local Union 280 and SMACNA BC at this year’s competition.

Well done, Colin!

“I am very grateful for the opportunity to represent our union and represent BC. I had a fantastic time meeting new people and learning new skills. All of the contestants were super friendly and we all got along pretty well. I think we all opened up pretty quickly and most of us were just there to have fun. I’m happy I took home 4th place with the Bob Brown Award. I went into it with the intention of having a good time and not stressing about the results of it. Overall it was a great chance to explore the east coast of Canada and it’s an experience I would encourage other apprentices to try and go for.”
— Colin Nam

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