Female Mentorship: A Journey’s Opportunity to Pass the Torch
Back in the summer of 2009, Sheila Sadler, from Viaduct Sheet Metal Ltd., was featured on the cover of the Sheet Metal Journal, to “make way for women in trades”. Sheila has walked her talk, and over a decade later, she is an industry leader promoting greater representation of women in the trades.
Sheila regularly participates in career fairs and as a guest speaker at events. Sheila and other women were featured in a recent video shoot coordinated by Skill Plan & BC Building Trades – a “day in the life” of a sheet metal worker for the College of the BC Building Trades website launch.
Passing the Torch
Sheila helped to coordinate one of her female apprentices, Mukelabai “KK” Nasitwitwi to participate in the cover shoot for the TradeTalk magazine. KK is a Level 1 apprentice who recently joined the sheet metal trade and is excited to attend her first level of technical training at the Training Centre in early 2022.

Sheila, KK and other women’s participation supports our Technology and an Inclusive Workforce UTIP project, aimed at increasing representation of key groups including women, Indigenous People and newcomers to Canada.